Lord of Apocalypse Wiki

Kirin (麒麟 lit. Kirin) is a mythical horse decorated with colorful fur and peacock-like plume. It has the ability to conduct lightning. Kirin can only be found at it's home region, Kamma Wind Cave.

"A mythical sacred beast. Its attacks are vested with a divine will and conjure miracles beyond the bounds of human understanding."

-From ingame monster encyclopedia


  • Lightning Stomp: It raises it's hoofs and then stomp. This attack causes Minimized status.
  • Lightning Envelope: Kirins would cloak itself in lightning.
  • Lightning Charge: Kirins would charge towards you while cloaked in lightning.
  • Lightning Zigzag Charge: Kirins would charge in a zigzag line.

Materials Drops[]

Normal Drops Breakable Parts Drops
Parts Material
Rainbow Tongue / 極彩獣神の角
Rainbow Beard / 極彩獣神のひげ
Rainbow Feather / 極彩獣神の羽
Rainbow Hoof / 極彩獣神の蹄
Rainbow Skull / 極彩獣神の頭蓋骨
Rainbow Bone / 極彩獣神の骨
Kirin Core Shard / 麒麟のコア破片
Kirin Core / 麒麟のコア

Tips & Strategies[]

  • Keep an eye out for its charges, especially when you are afar since Kirin would usually do these to you.
  • Breaking the hovering crystal when you get the Mini Man status would make Kirin dizzy.
  • You can reflect his charge attack.


  • Kirin's artwork was done by Ittoku.
  • Kirin is a mythical hooved creature known throughout various East Asian cultures to bring prosperity.

Also See[]

  • Gallery